Wednesday 8 April 2009

OMG An update!!!

Hey, some people reading this might know already but theres quite a significant reason why i haven't been so regular with my blog updates atm lol, a full explanation will come at the end of this update for those who might not have a clue what i'm talking about : )

Pokerwise then, I haven't updated since the 28/03 so this will cover my progress from there and in future i think that my blog will definitely have a less regular update i'm afraid, for the next year or so at least lol fear not though b/c any updates will be worth waiting for i promise you that : )

Soooo, when i left you last i had just switched over to 6max and was not only enjoying it loads but running fairly hot as well, which always helps, since then my poker life has been quite the rollercoaster, i'll save you the gory details but a quick summary of the past week and a half goes something like this:

- Move up to 10nl 6max @ $300
- Lose 5 BI's and move back over to 10nl FR @ $250
- Own 10nl FR and drag my sorry ass back to $320
- Instead of focusing on one game i now play both 6max and FR : )

So, after all my, i love 6max, it soo rocks, it's totally amazing, i ran badly and in a last ditch attempt to stop me falling back to 5nl (my original move up strat at FR was 25/20 so i thought i could still stay disciplined with the BR and not need to move down) i switched back to the more calmer waters of FR to steady the ship, which, i'm happy to say, has worked : ) 

Don't get me wrong i still love 6max, its so much more fun and engaging than FR, and i still think that switching over full time (albeit temporarily) made me a lot more sharper and aggressive than i've ever been, i think after a while at 5nl FR i was getting too comfortable, i was just logging on, firing up 8 tables and grinding for 2 hours playing ABC poker, after all, good cards, played aggressively, in good position with the odd pp limpage is plenty knowledge to succeed at that level and i think this made my game go a bit stale tbh, i wasnt enjoying myself as much either which is no fun at all! 

I think that i've found the perfect combo for me now, if i'm feeling good about myself and feeling like a challenge i play 6max, if i'm in lazy mode but still energetic enough to play and give it 100% then i'll play FR, if i start off playing FR and feel like i'm slipping and getting slightly bored i'll close the tables down and open up 3 x 6max, if i'm playing 6max and starting to get annoyed with the swings or whatever then i'll switch over to FR next session and do some grinding. I feel like its a good way to keep my game fresh and keep me improving, i'm the type of person that needs new challenges and if i feel like i'm ever good enough to do something then i'll generally go on cruise control, not try has hard with my study etc and my results suffer, this new strategy will hopefully keep that from happening.

A couple of choice hands now from the past week or so, the first one is awesome, you gotta love it when you flop the nuts and someone keeps betting into you, i made the call in pos b/c we we're both full stacks i was worried about the BTN at all b/c he'd been sat on that 80c for about 25 hands and tbh i thought my call would initiate a calling-fest from both of the blinds coming along to give me 4-1 straight off, only the BB calls so that never went to plan and i had to think a bit as to how i could keep both of them in the hand, i think i played it well in the end but any thoughts would be appreciated as usual.

The next hand gave me a few problems and i tanked this for ages, in the end i made my decision to fold from his wtsd stat being so low and his flat calls seeming so fishy, villains stats over 35 hands were 57/23/13 with a wtsd of only 6 (1 in 17)  i don't know if i made a mess with my flop betting, should i have overbet the pot so that i could shove on a brick river?? this stops him repping the flush/straight on the river when the worst possible card for me hits, i'm really thinking of buying PNLHE now b/c i have a feeling this hand could have been played better with a good understanding of SPR, plus its been recommended a few time now???

The next hand was quite troublesome as well, the villain here is 16/16/inf, i know checking the river looks sooo weak and the shove could very well be him spotting this but as we're both deep this is an easy fold right?? An unaggressive villain shoving the river, i just get the feeling this is a set, straight, maybe a rivered set of jacks, i dunno, i've not got too much experience of playing 200bb's deep but i know that i dont like stacking off with an overpair there for 200bb's, thoughts????

So... thats the poker nearly done with for this update, just got the regular BR updates and summarys etc to go, before that though, a bit of life news for me, the young and (relatively) free willed peelie is going to be a dad in november :) yep, hard to believe i know but it seems life has caught up with me, i'm 25 so it was going to happen soon i guess, was quite shocked when i was first told but i'm coming around to it now and tbh i'm even looking forward to it a lil. The major issue now is that i'm due to go on a 6 month tour of afghanistan in october so theres a chance i might miss the birth, which sucks ass, but i'm going to have a word with the powers that be when i go back after this easter holiday and see if anything can be done at all, i really doubt it but theres no harm in trying i guess, this also means that a wedding is on the horizon for me as well, within the next few months i think, so as you can imagine life has been rather hectic at the minute for me so no blog update lol

Quick summary then of the past 10 days or so...

Starting BR : $269.86
Hands played : 7,591 (2,389 5nl 6m, 1,369 10nl 6m and 3,833 10nl FR)
Profit : $81.34 ($78.69 @ 1onlFR, $28.84 @ 5NL 6m and -$26.10 @ 10nl 6m)
Current Roll : A p.b. of........ $351.20 :D:D:D:D

So a good week really, i've found a happy medium and i'm going to just keep flitting between FR and 6m now i think, i'm happy doing that and i think it'll be better in the long run for me with regards to enjoyment and learning lol, good luck at the tables everybody, til the next time, laters 

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